Financial Analysis and Corporate Performance

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Online Certificate Program
The Financial Analysis and Corporate Performance online certificate program offered by Our Lady of the Lake University's School of Business and Leadership will provide students with expertise in several areas of applied finance such as corporate finance, financial institutions, financial analysis, fixed income analysis, derivatives and portfolio management. Students completing the program will have acquired the necessary data-analytic skills for conducting advanced level analysis and interpretation of complex financial data and financial instruments.
This is a non-degree seeking program.
We have scholarship opportunities available to assist you.
Degree Plan
This 15-credit hour, non-degree certificate program is designed to meet the needs of financial and corporate practitioners and professionals. Upon completion of the program, students can transfer courses toward the Master of Science degree in Financial Analysis. Students have up to one year after they have completed their last certificate course to transfer credits into a related graduate program.
This course provides students with a comprehensive background in statistical theory, methods and models used in the study of modern corporate finance. This course covers discrete and continuous statistical techniques for the analysis of financial market data, securities and option pricing. Time series methodologies will be explored.
This course provides students with a comprehensive background in the mathematical topics required for learning quantitative finance, business analytics and data science. The mathematical topics covered include calculus, differential equations, linear algebra and probability statistics. Broad familiarity with linear algebra, statistics, stochastic process, finance and economics is helpful but not required.
This course seeks to extract, analyze and interpret information from sources of financial communication between corporate managers and outsiders. The analysis includes the detailed footnote disclosures in a company's annual or quarterly report to determine its accounting policy for a particular type of transaction and how that policy choice affects its primary financial statements and reflects the underlying economics of the firm. The course will explore financial statements, voluntary disclosures and interactions with information intermediaries.
This course covers the tools, methods and theory of managing corporate financial decisions. The optimization of investment, financing, and dividend policies requires the understanding of risk and return, capital budgeting and capital structure. The tools of regression and time-value of money are explored.
This course covers the key quantitative methods that are employed in modern finance, such as financial econometrics and statistical inferences. The course emphasizes financial applications through the use of dynamic optimization, Monte Carlo simulations, structured and unstructured data, random effects models and Bayesian techniques. Applications in the areas of predictive analysis (trading), sentiment analysis, financial fraud, credit rating, pricing and consumer segmentation will be explored. The course will also include guest lectures from practitioners in the finance industry.