Liturgy and Worship

"We seek to create an environment in which we worship together. When we worship together we create community. We invite all members of our University to take an active role."
Daily and Weekly Mass
By gathering to pray in public, we mark our time together as sacred and we recognize that we are in the presence of our loving God. Our worship nourishes us and also impels us to live our lives with Gospel values and the call of our Provident God to share all that we are with others. All are invited to join us in our Catholic Liturgical celebrations.
Worship Services
Throughout the academic semesters, the following worship services are offered regularly:
- Sundays - 7 p.m. - Liturgy - Sacred Heart Chapel
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 12:30 p.m. - Daily Liturgy - Constantineau Chapel
Volunteer Opportunities
Liturgy, the work of the people, calls forth student leadership in vocal and instrumental music ministry, hospitality, proclamation, and serving as Eucharistic Ministers, and is always open to all who have been called and formed for their ministry. Students who are interested in Liturgical Ministry may become involved through the following volunteer opportunities:
- Cantor – Individuals who desire to lead the assembly in liturgical singing are encouraged to explore the ministry of the cantor.
- Lector – A person who proclaims the Scriptures during liturgical services
- Choir Member – If you love to sing you can volunteer to be part of the University Ministry choir, not necessarily affiliated with the University Chorus
- Altar Server – Assists the priest in preparing the altar and assisting at our liturgical services
- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion – Those who assist in sharing the Body and Blood of Christ during our Eucharistic celebrations
If you are interested in any of the above, contact University Ministry at for training and involvement.
Special Events
There are several annual traditions that are hosted by University Ministry. Through
these events, the º«¹úAV community is able to come together to share in our joys and
struggles through various faith expressions.
These events include:
- University Convocation
- New Student Convocation
- Spirit Day
- Dia de los Muertos
- º«¹úAV Christmas Tree Decorating
- Las Posadas
- Candlelight
- Annual Saints Spring Retreat
- Loaves and Fishes
- Ring Blessing
- Graduation Liturgy
- The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe