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Charles Rodriguez, PhD

Distinguished Faculty 
Main Building, Room 326G

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Expertise

Considerable experience in project conception and program operational leadership, promoting public-private partnerships, championing national defense dual-use science/technology, teaching nonprofit management, and strengthening international and hemispheric shared defense.  I helped shape domestic emergency response in support of civilian authorities, strengthen partnerships with local and state officials, and engage to mutual advantage with international counterpart military leaders. I raised dollars and state legislator support for college and university scholarships, programs, and capital construction.

Teaching Philosophy

We teach students so they might become positive instruments of change and catalysts for constructive action. Teaching at its finest is transferring knowledge and a heartfelt passion. We should teach students in such ways that they become proficient in understanding, assessing, and applying knowledge so that their environs become more productive, hopeful, and compassionate through their efforts and by the inspiration they convey to others.  

Outside Interests

I enjoy the challenges of building and motivating small and medium-sized teams and engaging with professional networks and local communities of interest.

Professor of Nonprofit Management Charles Rodriguez



  • Chairman, Board of Advisors, National Security Collaboration Center, UTSA


  • PhD - Philanthropic Leader Studies, The Union Institute and University, Ohio
  • Master of Science - Management of Technology, University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Master of Business Administration, Keller Graduate School of Management, Illinois
  • Master of Arts - Communications Research and Marketing Strategy for Non-Profit Organizations, Wheaton College Graduate School, Illinois
  • Bachelor of Science - Electric Engineering with a minor concentration in Latin American Literature, United States Military Academy, New York


